
Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010


backstage@ RODARTE spring/summer 2010.
plus the "MAORI"-like tattoo bodypainting.
with this steelo-combi you can't but just "walk like a warrior".

Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

guardian angel

SHOULDERS SO GOLDEN; "a gurdian angel makes an appearance".
And if you have one particular person (your guardian angel caught/disguised in a human body)'s shoulders to lean on whenever situations are fuckin u up, this fact could CAUSE EVEN MORE MIRACLES and could even more clam u down, than this gleaming feather-"almost-chaqueta". 
"The best things in life aren't things"
.... eh-scho-wissn! 


"Marla, the big tourist. Her lie reflected my lie. And suddenly, I felt nothing. I couldn’t cry. So once again, I couldn’t sleep."
“With insomnia, nothing’s real. Everything’s far away. Everything’s a copy of a copy of a copy.”
my connexion to this" picture of misery":
My stance on my physical/emotional "BE-ing" in this current season is so ________(blank?). It's unfair, that human-beings cannot enter hibernation, when the time feels so ripe for deservin' a 3month-enduring sleep. so bored(!), negative towards life, even though I know I'm blessed; this very dark state of mind is attended by the awkward emotion: constantly feeling guilty for not appearing grateful enough. winter-season is rockin' me to sleep, and I'd love to cooperate, but I gotta look alive and pretend to be on the counterculture, celebrating, having frost-protection and enjoying snow-glam. ughh, DRAGON DAYS!! in desperate need for a elucidative vision-delivery and most noteably a vitalization-injection! Please END THIS DROWNING...I know there are people w/bigger existential issues and they are for sure more "in need" than I am.
... Man, I already feel like an ungratefull asshole, and I will(!) try hard to exit this fuckedup neurotic-place I'm in.

Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010


 Jeremy Scott spring/summer 2010.
Eine mehrfache Ausführung der in die heutige Zeit versetzten Pebbles Flintstone,die die Steinzeit mit EASE überstanden hat; yay!!

meine Haare sind Bunnies!

Giles Deacon (backstage)

messy&greasy hair.
Diese in die Haare verarbeitete, wiederholt-verwirrte aschfahle"graublaubraunhellrosa-Mattheit"-coloeur auf den Köpfen dieser Unschulds-Pixies hat trotz ihrer "Drex"-Berufung Eindruck hinterlassen und ich hab auch Gefallen daran gefunden.
Vor einigen Jahren, als meine Haare wieder als Versuchskaninchen meiner Experementierfreudigkeit
zum Opfer fielen, tat ich ihnen "Platinblond in Eigenregie" an. Das hatte unzählige Blond-Färbungen und letztlich keinen wirklichen Platin-Erfolg zur Folge. Da meine Haare immer nur dann zu wachsen scheinen, wenn ich mir eine Färbung reinhau, lies der immer breiter werdende Ansatz nicht lang auf sich warten. Ich hatte blond-brünettes Haar mit braunem Ansatz. Not hot nor haute at all.
Egal, ich wollte "back to black". Meine Haare waren nicht nur aufgrund der innerhalb kürzester Zeit zahlreich-aufeinanderfolgenden durchgeführten Kolorationen hinnig in ihrer Struktur, sondern auch, oder gerade deswegen (vor Trotz triefend) unbeirrt widerspenstig/brüchig as fuck... Nach der Schwarzfärbung erzielte ich ein nichtgewolltes desorientiertes grau-blau-blond. Not hot or haute Vol.II. .. Da meine Haare nicht mehr mit, sondern offensichtlich gegen mich arbeiteten, hatte ich große Bedenken dem ganzen eine Fortsetzung zu verpassen, sie also nochmals "anzuschwärzen". 4-5 Färbungen innerhalb von 4 Wochen waren mit Sicherheit nicht gesund und trotzdem, verfangen im Flirt mit der Unachtsamkeit, wagte ich eine 6. Färbung, allerdings mit der Befürchtung, meiner Staarköpfigkeit ein Attribut, welches viel Glatze versprach ("glatzköpfig") zu verpassen (stupid I). Am Ende waren sie dann Schwarz, mitgenommen und entkräftet. Aber ich hatte zumindest einmal farblich(!) diesen grauenhaften Vampire-meets-CruellaDeville Crash an der eigenen Kopfhaut erfahren und zu spüren bekommen. Früher fand ichs ekelhaft und peinlich, heute will ichs zurück... Damit dieser Look sich jedoch durchsetzen kann und auch überzeugt(!) wirkt, ist (in meinen Augen) eine gepflegte, in Moisturizer eingedeckte Gesichtshaut und ein frisches Auftreten unbedingte Voraussetzung; ansonsten würde es nur nach Karlsplatz-Junkie aussehen, and nobody wants that... !!

Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010


when a heart-warming doggy also warms a décolleté. cutez.

me & my scissors


AINdeBO as 
...The Ms. Always Creative Director 

heeled boots(!)



Gianni Barbato.

Montag, 25. Januar 2010


GO TO(!): 
(his biography says it all!)
His collections so far are off the chain. They spray extreme elegance, sensational grace and a  shimmy levity... it's so refreshing to see that with so less colour you can provide a set of magical breathtaking hits... white, lotion-cream, velvetly beige, dark blue, saturated black...
Vauthier manages to transform simple architectural/geometrical forms into soft&smooth silhouette costumes. How can these elegant easy ensembles result from a process of complex master-tailoring? This (once again) proves that fashion IS art!
Significant, expressive, and a punch in the face, that does not hurt at all. 

Sonntag, 24. Januar 2010

female wants male

(RONIE FIEG RED WING grey/brown)
I know these soft version of combat-boots are for fellows, but I think they'd make a raawr-"Hingucker" on my tiny persona. They'd be my very defense reaction to this mad ass glazedfrost-sidewalks, which give me a hard time since the freezing temperatures crashed in. By force of circumstances, it became so time-consuming walking from spotA to spotB, when these two spots actually are five minute walk distant. Yap, my phanter-overknee-boots are not made for a freezing winter like this, but I think I have to get along with them... and it's so(!) okay, I mean, there are people with a whole lotta bigger issues...


I used to "aah" for mixed-coloured feathers, but once again (in these days), I enjoy having one of my black&white moments/periods, which more than often often often just win me over ... the eclecticism-period didn't last that long, but i am sure the eclecticism/colour&forms-crashes shock-wave will again take my heart by assault, and not just once, but a whole lotta "several times" in the future. But for now, the main parts ( & ms.white) are very well cast; but (!) sure there will be some support from colour-dipped feature-parts in my black-and-white-movie, cause I don't wanna grow lonely w/ this high-contrast twosome.

Freitag, 22. Januar 2010

silver lining

"We are at war with the universe. The sky is falling and the only thing that can save us now 
is sensitivity and compassion."

Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010


fringez-fingaz in ya face... hehe, w/my silvera(w) hoodie feat. the detached upholstered headgear. 
mean-muggin and makin' faces just for the sake of makin' faces.
freaQ, freaQ.

Mittwoch, 20. Januar 2010

these loafers R made for ME.

photograph by: TOMMY TON...
SPIKY LOAFERS by Christian Louboutin
... and these in particular are for MEN, still I DO WANT THEM(!);
... xtra appeal. YA, give 'em to me.
hübsch hübsch.


This type of "throwing-on" is such a "turn-on". Dude, this is ART (oh yah, and if it's disturbing you, you can be sure it freaQUin' is ART!). Looking damn "HAUTE/HOT" in OVERSIZED, BROAD-TAILORED, CASUAL-COOL jaquettes (greatcoats!!), pantaloons, overalls, blazers, leather-trenchcoats is what you call the "ART OF R.O.B.I.N.G. (= Raw, Overwhelming, Boisterous, Irritatting,  Noble, Graceful)"....
That's the sense of ART, i guess, being unconventional and boundless. 
And these photographs remind me of freeing my "I" more often, if not just ALWAYS(!).

Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

eclecticism round II.

Eclecticism Round II !
cudly knitwear, blonde ostentatious hairdoz feat. heardresses and simply too much of it all and still I'm enjoyin this. Apparently my 3-word-fashion-attendant "less is more" got fucked up somewhere way back. Call it an overdose on always "too little".
And once again, paradoxe crept in into my text.

Freitag, 15. Januar 2010


hiiiiii...SO CUTE... i love these scenery-sketches...


Miranda Kerr
.. "gittin hur hair did"... 
... when coiled plaits came across the corset, they slid into a liaison.


"so... PACK LIGHT"

"I figured out that the reason I couldn't get through the day as well as I can now is because I had too many things on my mind, on my plate, you know, for one person to have. So I started to eliminate some of the things that were too heavy to carry & unnecessary." 
Erykah Badu


You wanna arrange a competition with the blistering heat in summer time? 
Now, with these spiky yet chic "haute"-shades (out of the creative collaboration WANG & L.FARROW) you will convince not only yourself but also other stupid-staring pedestrians, that you sure have the ability to compete!

Freja Beha shows what it's like to be wild glamorous!
 Must be rrrah rrrah oh-la-la.

Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010


Ethnic + Futuristic = Classic (i guess)
The boisterous feather-explosion plus the understated geometrical yet wild raggery are a total eclectic mixture and usually I'm not a big admirer of eclecticism, but this composition right here gives me 1.: another perspective on shuffled steelos on just one person, 2.: an understanding for potpourris, 3. tease out my fascination for white (platinum blonde in it xtremes), blonde, brown (at least 3 different nuances) and black hair, all colours intermingled on a single head, 4. a need for the leather jacket. So, and if my calculations serve me correct
no.4 has nothing to do with the three other points. But in order to deal with this disturbing subject, wasn't I supposed to loose myself in it's ever-changing versatile matter. I don't even know what could be the certain use of this text. Haha, that's it for now... not healthy if eclecticism hits you too hard.

ripped leggings/tights