
Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010


in this business you have to stay busy... 

Montag, 8. Februar 2010

DUTT dynamite "zu OARG" IV.

photograph by Steven Meisel.
DUTT dynamite "zu OARG" IV.
Der selbstaussagende "Mittelname" deutet e schon darauf hin. Dieser scharf-strukturierte Haar"knoten" sprengt definitiv den (Dutt-)Rahmen! Und trotzallem würde ich eine Nacht im Schutz und in Pracht dieses dunkelroten Monds auf keinsten ablehnen. Riesen-Dutt  be mine! ;)

needle knit dress

and the Oscar goes to ...

I think it's almost 2 years ago,  I've seen "ELIZABETH I. - The Golden Age" at the movies. The story is stirring, exciting and brialliantly realized by the cast, especially by Cate Blanchett! Among other things, the costumes selection fascinated me through the entire movie. 
In 2008 ALEXANDRE BYRNE received an Oscar for the 2007 Acadamy Awards for COSTUME DESIGN for her work in "Elizabeth I - The Golden Age".
And man, she really did a great job, so it was obvious that the OSCAR was meant for her.

challenge: bring me water for my mind!

"If you want to feel me, better be divine. Bring me water, WATER FOR MY MIND. Give me nothing, breathe love in my air. Don't abuse me, cause THESE HERBS ARE RARE."
These necessitative words are out of ERYKAH BADUs nature, but they popped up in my head, when I came across this photograph, so i had to attach them lyrics to it.

MK in Barbara Hulanicki

dress/longshirt by BARBARA HULANICKI for topshop (last season collection, i think, notsure'boutit...) 
worn by MK Olsen.
This breezy kaftan w/ that understated vintage-touch and that very unique dreamy character is my personal "WANNAHAVE" for them hopefully-soon-to-come hot days. yaah!

DUTT dynamite III.

VOGUE NIPPON january 2010.
DUTT DYNAMITE III. w/ essential flaws for xtra-xtraordinAIRe completion!
can't get enough, won't get enough.